Why Every Business Needs a Website

Why Every Business Needs a Website.

In a world where digitalisation and online presence are becoming increasingly commonplace, having a website for your business is no longer an option but instead it’s now become a necessity. That’s why every business needs a website!

Whether you run a small local shop or a multinational corporation, a website serves as a critical component of your overall business strategy.

In this post, I’ll be talking about the reasons why every business needs a website. There’s effectively two versions of this post on this page; the “Normal People” version and the “Marketing” version.

The “Normal People” version:

I had an tradesman round the other day. I asked him is he had a website and if he didn’t would he like one. He said:

“No, I don’t need one and I don’t want one. If you need a website you’re not busy enough”.

I thought that was a fair enough stance to take, as it sounded like he was doing OK for himself to the degree where he didn’t need a website.

Although I didn’t ask the question, I couldn’t help but wonder what he’d do if he wasn’t busy enough.

Unless a business is offering some kind of ongoing subscription, or ongoing supply of a product or service, it’s always going to need new customers to maintain cashflow.

I used to work for a major telco, who did offer ongoing subscriptions (mostly mobile phone contracts) and they were obsessed with churn. Churn is essentially when an ongoing customer leaves.

Both of the above lead me to believe that businesses are almost always going to need new customers, and that’s where a website comes in quite handy.

It makes your business easy to find.

These days, anyone wanting to find out anything almost always turns to their smart phone, tablet or computer and Google’s it (or equivalent, other search engines are available).

If you don’t have a website, you’re a lot less likely to be found on Google (or equivalent).


If your competitor has a website and you don’t, who’s going to get found in Google (or equivalent)? They are.

A potential customer that could have found you or your business has found a different one, just because they have a website and you don’t.

It’s always on.

A website is available 24 x 7 x 365. 

You don’t have to pay it a salary or an hourly rate for this. OK there are some ongoing costs, such as hosting, and there’s an initial up front cost, but your website is a LOT cheaper than paying someone to answer the phone 24 x 7 x 365.

That person reading the news in bed at night, who has the “oh, I’d better find a plumber” thought pop in to their head. They can find one, in a few screen taps.

It’s yours.

Yes, it’s yours and you can make it your own. You can put what you like on it, in the way that you’d like to.

You’re not working within the confines of a social media platform such as Facebook or Twitter. You can choose the layout, fonts, image sizes, content, whether it has a shop or not.

You can use your website to represent your business as you see fit


What with the likes of Twitter/X, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and a whole load of others one business can have many social media streams. 

Your website can be used to unify these. You link to your social media profiles on your website and link to your website on your social media platforms and the internet (well, Google and others) work out that it’s all glued together.

Then, when people search for you, or a product or service they provide they find a very unified “this is that business” across multiple platforms.

Yep, these people on Facebook are definitely those people on instagram.

This unification brings me to…


Having a website legitimises your business.

It shows that you’ve invested in your business, that you’re in it for the long haul, that you care about how your company is represented, and that you’ve put some effort in to your online presence (as opposed to getting your nephew to “put something on facebook”).

Most people thinking of obtaining a product or a service from a business will check out the website of that business, even if they already knew of the business!

If you, yourself had to obtain a service, and you had a choice between one company that only had a Facebook profile and another company that had a Facebook profile AND a well laid out, well presented website that appeared to have been made with card and attention, which company would you obtain the product from?

It’s just sensible, why wouldn’t you?

Websites are easy to obtain. I make websites at a lower cost than a lot of other parties, simply because I don’t believe a website should be an obstacle or prohibitively expensive.

The investment that a website is, costs a lot less than almost all other marketing activities. It’s also something that’s ongoing and available all day every day.

Although you might be busy enough and have enough customers right now, what are you going to do if you don’t in the future.

Your website is there to help you keep a stream of new customers and new business coming to your company.

So there you go, that’s the “normal people” version. Not convinced and want to hear a shinier, corporate speak version? Feel free to have a read of the “marketing” version below.

The “Marketing” version:

Competitive Advantage.

This one is at the top of this list for a reason. Many of your competitors are likely to be online, and have their own websites.

Having a website puts you on a level playing field with your competitors at the very least, and can even give you a competitive advantage with a well thought out, well presented website. It allows you to showcase your unique selling points and demonstrate why customers should choose your business over others.

If you don’t have a website, but your competitors do, they have access to an audience and potential customers that you don’t. Your website can work for you to give you that access to those potential customers, and that new business, that would otherwise go to your competitors.

Fun fact: one in four small business don’t have a website, but that it’s almost impossible to succeed without one.

A website shouldn’t be something that’s and obstacle or prohibitively expensive for any size of business.

24/7 Accessibility.

Unlike a physical business premises, with set opening and closing times, a website is available to your customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year.

It allows potential customers to find out about your products or services, make inquiries, or purchase products and services whenever they want, even outside of standard business hours. This accessibility alone can increase the number of customers your business has and increase overall sales.

You also don’t have to pay your website a salary or hourly rate for it to be present on the internet, available to a global audience.

Think of your website as your business’s 24/7 representative, or a shop that never closes. I can help your business gain that presence and accessibility.

Credibility and Trust.

A well designed website adds a layer of trustworthiness to your business, and gives it more credibility.

Consumers often turn to the internet for information about products and services and a professional, organised, well laid out website makes a strong first impression.

Having a website and a business email alone conveys a sense of legitimacy, that your business has purpose and direction, and that it’s going to be available in the long term should you be providing an ongoing service.

76% of customers will check a business’ website before contacting them.

If you’ve got a business that deserves that credibility and trust, I can help you get the website up and running that your business deserves.

Online Visibility.

In today’s competitive marketplace, being visible online is vital. 

With millions of people searching for products and services online, a website can help potential customers discover your business and what you offer. It allows you to reach a broader audience than you ever could through traditional advertising methods alone.

Many people instantly turn to search engines such as Google and Bing as their first port of call when trying to find a business that provides a product of service locally. Although the Yellow Pages and the phone book might not yet be a thing of the past, they aren’t the first place that people often look to find a business, simply because of the convenience that searching online can provide.

Having a website will also help you reach a much broader audience than any traditional marketing method.

Let me help you reach that larger audience, and all those customers that wouldn’t find you or your business without that online visibility.

Cost Effective Marketing.

Compared to traditional marketing methods like print advertising or physical mail shots, a website offers a cost effective marketing solution to promote your business. 

You can update information, launch marketing campaigns, and reach your target audience without the expenses associated with offline marketing.

You can gain all of this at a cost far less than other marketing methods.

Customer Engagement.

Your website is a platform for engaging with your customers.

Through blogs, chat features, or social media links, you can create a space where customers can ask questions, share their opinions, and learn more about what you offer.

You can also use your website to provide supporting information that covers the nature of your business, to legitimise what you offer, and to give your customers confidence that your business excels in it’s area of expertise.

Convenience for Customers.

With a website, your business can be found at any time of day. 

Providing customers with an accessible online platform where they can browse your products, compare prices, and make purchases is incredibly convenient for them.

This convenience can help new customers find you, and also boost existing customer’s satisfaction and loyalty.

Market Expansion.

A website is not limited by geographic boundaries. It enables you to expand your market reach beyond your local area or even your home country. It can also attract new customers in your locality that wouldn’t have found your business by other means.

You can tap into the global market, and new local markets and attract customers from both.

Data Collection and Analysis.

Websites allow you to gather valuable data about your customers’ behaviour and preferences.

You can use tools like Google Analytics to track website traffic, conversion rates, and more. This data-driven approach can help you find out more about your customers, what attracts them, what you offer or provide that’s popular. 

This can all help you make informed business decisions and refine your marketing strategies.


As your business grows, your website can grow with it.

You can easily add more information about your company as it grows. You can advertise new products, expand your services, and update information to reflect changes in your business. This scalability and versatility provides you with a platform that can grow and move along with your business. 

In conclusion.

In conclusion, a website is no longer a luxury but a fundamental tool for businesses of all sizes and industries.

A website is an investment in your business that can pay off in increased visibility, credibility, and customer engagement. It can help you attract new customers, and new business that you would have otherwise missed. 

In the digital age, having a website is a strategic move that can help your business thrive and succeed in a competitive marketplace. 

Don’t miss out on the opportunities that having your own website provides, get your business online, get it found, and get those new customers! That’s why every business needs a website.

Why every business needs a website

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